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What we do at Squishy Buns & Biscuits


Giving Back


A portion of my sales go to supporting a few different organizations locally and worldwide. I donate to NEWHOUSE shelter, which is a battered women's shelter located in downtown urban Kansas City. Back in 2014-2015, I actually would volunteer weekly there and I wanted to continue supporting them.


I also have a big heart and passion for fighting human trafficking. This a big problem that we face world wide. I give to Operation Underground Railroad which helps fight human trafficking and the exploiting of children world wide. They have rescued children all over the world and nationwide. I also recently in the past few months have started supporting a little girl named Gratia located in Indonesia. 


Baking is my passion and my therapy. I am a full time working mom of 2 sweet and rambunctious boys, married to my wonderful husband and we just moved to the small community of Spring Hill Kansas. When I’m not baking, spending time with my family is my favorite thing to do.


I started baking when I was probably 8 or 9 years old on a Easy Bake Oven. After that, it was the boxed cake mixes, then from there I started trying my own recipes, experimenting, and here we are. 


Let me know what I can create for you!

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